Practice Announcement: Dr. Laura Hume

By | March 31st, 2022 | Comments Off on Practice Announcement: Dr. Laura Hume

Dear Patient,

I am writing to let you know that I will be moving my family practice at the end of June 2022. I would be delighted if you were to continue to be a patient of mine.

The new clinic will be:

2140 Main Street (at East 5th Avenue)
V5T 0K1
P) 604-852-8156

It is a brand new clinic with a great team of staff and doctors and is only 2km from my current location.

I am looking forward to this new chapter and plan to make this process as smooth as possible. Your patient care will continue to be my priority and there will be no interruption to this.

You do have the option to not follow me to CityMed and find an alternative physician at a different clinic as my colleagues at Cambie currently have full practices.

My start date at CityMed is June 27, 2022. Until then, I will continue to be your family doctor at Cambie Village Family Practice.

Please reply by letter or e-mail before June 15, 2022 and indicate below if you would like to follow me and continue as a patient. If the office does not receive a response we will assume you have found a new family doctor and will await your record transfer request.

  • Yes, I would like to continue with you at CityMed
  • No, I will find an alternative family doctor at a different clinic

Yours sincerely,

Dr. Laura Hume MD, BM CCFP